Friday, December 12, 2014

sorry guys haven't been on for a long time but I'm here to give you an update on what is going on. I Have been working out 6 times a week and then taking sunday off as a rest day. Every second day I do core and legs and the other days is chest, arms, back, and shoulders. My goal was to put on weight and more muscle but i have found out at first that I lost weight and THEN started to gain weight so right now I am the same weight as before. I lost about three pounds of fat and then gained back those three pounds with muscle. I will be posting some videos I have found on youtube that I have found to be extremely helpful on making a work out plan for each week.

Some times it is really hard to keep up with working out, but most of all eating healthy is the hardest part and I definitely have not followed through with that. My mentor with healthy eating is my mom because she eats healthy all the time. One other thing that I don't like is how gross most healthy food is. notice how I said most and not all. SO, there is good, tasty, healthy food out there people you just got to find it and then get creative. Soon I will be posting some pictures of some of my favourite things that i have tried.

Friday, October 17, 2014

New Passion Project

This year i have decided to do my passion project on my fitness and learning about physiotherapy. This is my grade twelve year and I am really thinking about what I am going to be doing after high school and going into university. I am really working towards getting a volleyball scholarship and wanting to go into physiotherapy. Because of me working towards a scholarship it is necessary for me to be physically fit and feed my body the right food and take care of my body the right way so I can play at the top of my game. The reason for learning about Physiotherapy is to learn about different muscles and the mechanics behind the game of volleyball and also because i want to be a physiotherapist when I am done University. Also because i just want to build muscle mass and increase my vertical.

Monday, May 5, 2014

New Stuff I Have Learnt so Far

So far i have really struggled with keeping up with practicing. And have come to a conclusion that this is so much harder then i thought it would be. I have learnt about harmonics and how they are incorporated in to music. They are really easy to play but are very hard to put into a instrumental. Also another thing i have learnt is pull offs in percussive guitar are like every second note and hammer ons are like any other note if your not picking. For you who don't know what hammer ons are they are when you hit the string just with your one finger and it makes that note ring and a pull off is when you well pull off the string by plucking it as you leave that note. I feel the harder of the two is the hammer ons because its harder to get the sound of note to come out loud. Now that i have learnt that stuff it is now time to learn the percussive parts down they are extremely hard to do when playing a song. The snare drum sound is the easiest.

My instrumental is okay so far i only have like the first 30sec it sounds alright..... well it sounds like a beginner should sound like. So i have a start and i have tons more but its all in different keys and different styles and i cant seem to piece things together.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Every class so far i have started with watching videos of people who play percussive guitar and I have also practice putting together simple drum beats and rhythms with my left hand.Tomorrow I am going to start to put together some sort of instrumental. it wont be amazing cause i just started and still have a lot to learn but i think i know enough to start putting together basics and to but down building blocks towards making my own music. Also tomorrow I am bringing my guitar and learning how to put harmonics into my work.